MakeUseOf Answers

Kenny Goodmans Blog

What going on around the world?

Israeli stocks on Wall St

Thursday, December 15, 2011 - Take the Pledge - Take the Pledge: "To use caution and common sense before lighting any fire.
To understand that any fire I or my friends create could become a wildfire.
To understand and practice proper guidelines whenever I or my friends create a fire outdoors.
To never, ever leave any fire unattended."

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

  1. See the problem with BlogSpot despite its ease of use across a fairly diverse range of multiple topic (all for just one login) is that the Permalinks do not have an independent life of their own. In other words, apparently there "is no meta data stored with the individual post. This is especially true if you are typically "blogging on the fly" which I heard has been termed "blog-rolling", and are not bothering to add tags.


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